
"The SUPRA 'Law of Attraction' and its two missing Sister Laws they didn't tell you about!"

In order for us to successfully create, hold and manifest our life visions, our inner life has to become stronger and more real to us than our outer life. Our outer life is the mirrored manifestation of our inner world and it shows itself in three distinct ways:

1)    Association: the people in our life
2)    Form: our body, clothes, home, workplace, car, environment
3)    Realizations: our view of life, beliefs, practices

On our next live call we will journey through an exercise in self-discovery, journaling your findings on these three outward appearances in your life. They can hold a lot of information about you, your power to manifest using the law of attraction whether you are conscious of it or not, and what exactly is it that you are creating for yourself.

And then perhaps you will want to change it!...:o)

I will also be sharing with you the other two lost sister laws to the Law of Attraction, completing a very important Trinity. ‘The Secret’, the movie, opened the door… On June 1st I will take you deeper into the vault and share an ancient pearl of wisdom that only a few sages have ever explored or understood. I will explain a universal principle, a formula that will brings the true magic into your life. Consistency, certainty and creativity is abound, once it is understood and applied.

Grail Springs Global Village Membership: Join me for my next LIVE new moon call on June 1st at 12noon EST.  This important call is part of the new Grail Springs Village online membership if you have not already heard. We are taking our retreats to the next level, creating a series of tele-calls to support our community. Trip through an entire year of what it is like to live healthy, happy and wise as a conscious soul.

On this next call we will revisit the most important Law of all the Universe: The Supra-Law of Attraction.

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