
"The Shift of Ages Movie Clip"... Mayan Calendar prophecy... a balanced message from a wiseman

Good Day Friends,

Today I was sent this 6 min clip from a documentary film coming out by Steve Copeland. There is as you know much speculation about the significance of December 21st, 2012, the date the Mayan Calendar ends. I for one am not a doomsayer. I intuit this is a moment, an opportunity for a major planetary shift in consciousness. An opportunity to heal ourselves and our planet ~ what we try to do every day at Grail Springs.

Driven by greed and power, the violence perpetrated by the strategy of 'divide and conquer', men and especially women and children have suffered unspeakable atrocities. The crisis is not coming. It has already arrived. The message is loud and clear. WE are the solution to the problem. WE must take hold of the opportunity to right ourselves now. The power lies not just in the hands of political leaders, but in the hearts, voices and hands of each and every individual...especially those with a computer - the world wide web is the weapon of choice to win this war.

Watch wiseman Don Alejandro's poignant message, share it with others, and let it inspire us all to take action, both inward and outward.

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