
Laxative Remedies

Day 10-Cleanse
Day 2 - Juicing !
How are you feeling?
Day 3 can be a bit of a rough slide for me, but let me tell you it does get easier. You come to realize how little food, we actually need in our bodies.

key points to keep in mind when juicing, organic is best, and fresh is vital.

Have you been Starting their day off with a vega shake, Vega is a great way to get that extra boost needed first thing in the morning!
If you are feeling the need for an extra boost of energy in the afternoon. Try the grail elixir with cayenne. Cayenne is known to provide quick energy along with heating the body to draw out toxins faster. If this doesn’t cut it for you , add in a scoop of vega to your juice.
Drink lots of herbal teas, grail elixir, lemon water (liquids,liquids liquids , will keep the fluids flowing in the body to flush out those toxins.

Laxative Remedies for Constipation

1) Put a 1 tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water (first thing in the morning is best). This is a natural laxative that Centers the digestive track and purifies the blood.
2) Prune juice - Put 4 prunes into your blender. Add in 1 cup warm water. Blend
3) Add to your juices (or food) - Flax oil (1tbsp)
-Psyllium husk (1-2 tsp)
- Flax seeds (flaxmeal)-(1 tbps)
4) Herbal laxative teas
5) Celery juice


  1. Is the juicing supposed to change the color of your waste and or urine? Red beets?

  2. Great question Klaner. Yes , red beets will turn your waste a reddish colour. Not to worry , this is normal.
    Cheers :)
